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Daizu world game machine company teach you how to improve

2014-5-9      View:
 Daizu world game machine company would like to share good methods to you to improve together


Writing habit    

  Even you read many book s , but if you don’t write anything , these will be not your knowledge. If you can’t speak to others , then you can’t get feedback and amendment,you also don’t know what level your opinion is in. Writing is a good tool to clear up our thinkings , systemize the argument you got from the books and think it deeply, summarize it by own words .By this way , your logical capability and elaborative faculty will improve step by step. Sure , wirting is a hard working , you need chear up your thinkings ,and organize words to express it . And that ,when you stay at computer , you also need exclude interference of all kinds of sndries ,this is also training your concentration ability.


Fitness habit  

  We don’t go to bodybuilding because we don’t feel comfortable , but if we let ourself bear some discomfort by conscious each time , our endurance  ability will improve step by step , once it come to be a habit , we will reply on these discomfort to take us favorable incentive , let us feel more energetic.